For residents of Northampton, Wellingborough, South and East Northamptonshire. We are a registered, local charity and part of the Citizens Advice network; the largest independent advice provider in the world, and one of nation’s best-known and most trusted charity networks. Additional regional services also available.
Our Aims
To ensure that individuals do not suffer through lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, or of the service available to them, or through an inability to express their needs.
To exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.
Our Principles:
Advice and assistance is given regardless of the interests of funders or other parties that may wish to exert an influence on the advice and information given.
Information that could identify that an individual has sought advice or the nature of that advice will not be disclosed without the prior authority from that person.
Advice and help will be given on any subject without any preconceived attitude on the part of the service.
All advice is given without charge to the user.