Dinesh Kotecha
Dinesh Kotecha who joined CENCA as a Trustee in March 2020 has over thirty years’ experience of volunteering, organising social groups and carrying out leadership roles in the community and charity sector here in Northamptonshire.
Having gained a strong educational foundation and socio-political awareness through his formative years in Malawi, Dinesh developed his career in this country by gaining experience in the commercial, not for profit and the public sector. This included senior management roles at the county council and a non-executive directorship on the Board of Kettering General hospital.
“Home for me is Northamptonshire where our daughter was born and where a large part of my extended family has since grown roots. Along with my mother and wife, I have played extensive roles in the local community which has included fighting racism, developing collaboration within the community sectors especially the diverse black and other minority communities.”